

Prison Rape Elimination Act

Providing a safe and secure environment for our staff, clients, independent contractors, vendors, and all who enter our facilities is of utmost importance to us. Oriana House provides a systematic means of monitoring, identifying, reporting, and investigating employee and client sexual misconduct and has a zero-tolerance policy relating to all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

As a provider of residential community corrections treatment, our required compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) supports our commitment to maintain a safe environment and model appropriate behavior for our clients.

PREA Reporting

Anyone at any time can report an occurrence of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. There is no retaliation to reporting, and the reporting can be done confidentially.

You can complete the PREA Reporting Form to report sexual abuse or sexual harassment, or you can call toll free 833-258-1271 and report your concerns. It is most helpful to the investigation if you provide as much information as possible. Every report is investigated by either law enforcement and/or an Oriana House internal team.

Completed forms can be:

Mailed to: Oriana House, Client Sexual Abuse Response Team, P.O. Box 1501, Akron, Ohio 44309 Faxed to: 330-996-2233. Please indicate on your fax cover sheet, “Attention: Client Sexual Abuse Response Team" Emailed to:

Investigation Procedures

Criminal Investigations - In instances of sexual abuse that are criminal in nature, the Client Sexual Abuse Response Team will refer the allegations to law enforcement promptly, thoroughly, and objectively, including third-party and anonymous reports.

Administrative Investigations - In instances of sexual harassment that are not criminal in nature, the Agency’s trained PREA investigators will conduct an administrative investigation. So as to not interfere in any criminal investigations, the Agency may conduct an administrative investigation done in anticipation of litigation after the completion of law enforcement’s criminal investigation.