
Female Clients Pass ServSafe Certification Exam

Female Clients Pass ServSafe Certification Exam

Oriana House’s first group of female clients to complete Aramark’s In2Work training passed the ServSafe certification exam. The program teaches the fundamentals of working in the food service industry and is taught by Aramark, who then offers ongoing support, job search assistance, and employment opportunities to the In2Work graduates, addressing the barrier of unemployment. Aramark also offers educational scholarships to In2Work graduates who can apply the scholarship money to schooling for themselves or for their dependents.

Clients must apply to be considered for the In2Work program which includes eight, four-hour classes, study sessions, and the online exam. The recent class had six clients with all passing the exam.

Oriana House is proud of all of our clients who have completed this course and thankful to Aramark for this partnership.

An Aramark manager who attended the graduation congratulated the ladies saying, “Beyond teaching the necessary skills for food service, we focus on perseverance, team work, professionalism, and making and meeting goals. If we can teach you those things, then the sky is the limit.”

Oriana House Vice President of Services, Chris Savage echoed what one of the graduates said and what she had heard from many of the In2Work clients, “So many times the In2Work class is the first thing that a client has successfully completed, and graduation is the first time people have ever applauded for them.”

Eight classes of clients have graduated from In2Work while in Oriana House with two past graduates becoming employed by Aramark.